by April Kutger

When she finds an escaped slave in the woods near an old fishing cabin, Angelise Lindstrom converts the cabin to a stop on the Underground Railroad and joins with him to work as "irregulars" in the Union army. Joining them are an octoroon actress who passes for white and a free black man. This novel has action, intrigue, danger, and romance. Something for everyone!



To buy the KINDLE Version (only $1.99)


Monday, January 24, 2011

Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award Contest

The Silence of Sorrowful Hours is in the mix for the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award. It's a complicated submission process, and there are several levels it must "pass" to get to the final stage of judging. I'm praying I'll make it all the way. I'll let you know, of course!
Preparing all the parts of the submission was daunting. Waiting until the contest opened - literally watching the computer screen as it counted down to one minute past midnight Eastern time - was hair-raising. I wanted a shot of bourbon and I can't stand the taste of it!
It was important to be among the first to submit because it's an international contest for English-language novels and they only accept the first 5,000 entries.
I won't know if "Silence" has made it to the second stage until February 24th. Glad I have a stack of valium on hand. :-)
Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award

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