by April Kutger

When she finds an escaped slave in the woods near an old fishing cabin, Angelise Lindstrom converts the cabin to a stop on the Underground Railroad and joins with him to work as "irregulars" in the Union army. Joining them are an octoroon actress who passes for white and a free black man. This novel has action, intrigue, danger, and romance. Something for everyone!



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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

19th century care for burns from "The Silence of Sorrowful Hours"

Marabella lived in Angelise’s cabin after she returned from the last mission with Gideon. For three days she was numb and in shock, then she was in great pain. Angelise cared for her night and day. She applied honey to prevent infection. For the pain, she used milk and comfrey root compresses or cold water mixed with vinegar. After about three weeks, she exposed the wounds to the air. The flesh oozed and then scabbed. Angelise told Marabella not to touch it. When the scabs started to dry up and could be removed without exposing an open wound, Angelise spread egg whites on the skin to prevent scarring. 

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